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Valerie Keim

Valerie Keim

Arizona State University

Career Roadmap

Valerie's work combines: Non-Profit Organizations, Government, and Learning / Being Challenged

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Day In The Life

Research Advancement Administrator

I work with faculy and staff to prepare grant proposals.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Dobson High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    BS Political Science

    Arizona State University

  • Bachelor's Degree

    BS Family & Human Development

    Arizona State University

  • Graduate Degree

    MS Child Development

    Erikson Institute

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Fundraisers:

High School

Bachelor's Degree: BS Political Science

Bachelor's Degree: BS Family & Human Development

Graduate Degree: MS Child Development

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    Thought I wanted to be a lawyer.

  • 2.

    Met my political science colleagues and thought "them for seven years?".

  • 3.

    Found out I loved learning about infants/toddlers/preschoolers/families.

  • 4.

    Went to grad school for child development.

  • 5.

    Pursued career opportunities in child advocacy and policy.

  • 6.

    Was unemployed for nearly a year after grad school.

  • 7.

    Got a job with the county and started working on grants.

  • 8.

    Realized procrastinating isn't bad - I just need deadlines! And found a position at ASU that I love.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    I would be happy to hire you, but you don't have enough experience yet.

  • How I responded:

    People have their reasons for passing on potential candidates for a job. You need to remember that who takes you now will change what you want in 5 years. When I was interviewing everyone was excited about me, but not many wanted to take a chance on someone so green. This made me look for a lot of jobs, and not just the ones I knew about. When I graduated with my master's I never would have guessed that I would be back at ASU in less than 5 years, but I'm so happy that is where I am now.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I didn't realize how self sufficient I can be until I moved 1500 miles away from my family to go to grad school. I was more than ok and even created my own support network away from home! I love the person I became in those short two years away.