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Vinny Carrion

Vinny Carrion

Capital One

Career Roadmap

Vinny's work combines: Technology, Music, and Problem Solving

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Day In The Life

Cisco Network Voice Engineer

I help to build and maintain the Cisco voice network across numerous geographic locations.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Randolph Henry High School

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Telecommunications Engineering Specialists:

High School

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

I've taken a lot of twists and turns

  • 1.

    First I secured a job climbing towers for an ISP... even though I was scared of heights!

  • 2.

    Then I spent a lot of time learning how to run servers and setup wireless equipment.

  • 3.

    Then I found out about Cisco Technology and began to self study the material.

  • 4.

    After a year or so of self study I took a job with a company looking for a Cisco Networking Admin.

  • 5.

    From there I developed my skills as a Cisco Network Engineer and began working with Cisco Voice tech.

  • 6.

    After 5 years I began looking for a job that focused specifically on the Cisco Voice platform.

  • 7.

    I now work for Capital One running all of the Cisco Voice services for over 200,000 voice endpoints!

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    I grew up in a very negative and challenging environment. Rather than let my negative childhood dictate where I would end up I decided to take my own path. One can either choose to feed the negative or cultivate the positive in life. I chose the latter.

  • How I responded:

    I am fortunate to have stumbled across many great people throughout my years. People that took a chance and decided to believe in me and give me a chance. I was very rough around the edges.. and in some ways I still am :) Some people have this amazing ability to see through "the noise" and see beneath the rough exterior. It is those people who I aspire to be in give everyone a chance regardless of where they come from and to assist only in helping them get to where they want to be.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I was very poor when I left home. I had no family that I could rely on or any source of supplemental income. I had to work even when I did not have a car. I overcame these obstacles by just refusing to give in and I kept working towards the future.

  • I grew up in a very violent home. I lived through it and although there was never any assistance while it was going on I eventually got away from it all. I urge anyone dealing with these issues now to reach out. There are people who can help you.

  • Along with the domestic violence I was introduced to drugs very early in life. Although I myself never dealt with addiction my father overdosed on Heroin and my nephew died when he was 12 due to an overdose. It is simply best to stay away from drugs.