Rock Splitters, Quarry


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+3.6% (slower than the average)


What Rock Splitters, Quarry Do

Separate blocks of rough dimension stone from quarry mass using jackhammers, wedges, or chop saws.

Other Job Titles Rock Splitters, Quarry May Have

Blaster, Driller, Quarry Worker, Rock Splitter, Splitter Operator, Stone Breaker, Stone Splitter

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Locate grain line patterns to determine how rocks will split when cut.
  • Remove pieces of stone from larger masses, using jackhammers, wedges, and other tools.
  • Insert wedges and feathers into holes, and drive wedges with sledgehammers to split stone sections from masses.
  • Mark dimensions or outlines on stone prior to cutting, using rules and chalk lines.
  • Cut slabs of stone into sheets that will be used for floors or counters.

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