Medical and Health Services Managers


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+31.5% (much faster than the average)

Most Common Level of Education

Bachelor's degree


What Medical and Health Services Managers Do

Plan, direct, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations.

Other Job Titles Medical and Health Services Managers May Have

Clinical Director, Health Information Management Corporate Director, Health Information Management Director, Health Manager, Mental Health Program Manager, Nurse Manager, Nursing Director

How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work

President ,

American Nurses Association (ANA)

I work to advance the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on healthcare issues affecting nurses and the public.

Founder & CEO ,

Delta Excellence Home Healthcare

My day-to-day involves writing policies and procedures, organizational strategy, meetings, phone calls, and emails.

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Develop and maintain computerized record management systems to store and process data, such as personnel activities and information, and to produce reports.
  • Direct, supervise and evaluate work activities of medical, nursing, technical, clerical, service, maintenance, and other personnel.
  • Direct or conduct recruitment, hiring, and training of personnel.
  • Develop and implement organizational policies and procedures for the facility or medical unit.
  • Conduct and administer fiscal operations, including accounting, planning budgets, authorizing expenditures, establishing rates for services, and coordinating financial reporting.

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